On invitation from National Institute of Technology – Karnataka (NITK) , Suratkal an orientation programme was held for students from scheduled communities undergoing first year BTech Degree course at the NITK. The five day programme held from August 31 to September 4 , was jointly conducted by SC/ST Cell of NITK and CREST. The objective of the programme was to improve the aspiration/ motivation level of students and learning skills. The modules covered included Goal Setting & Motivation, Effective presentation skills, Leadership & Creativity and Team Work. The modules were handled by Vinod Krishnan. T.Y. Associate Programme Coordinator, Nirmal Joy, Course Coordinator and Anil Menon, faculty of CREST. 40 students took part in the programme. CREST has signed an MoU with NITK for similar exchange programmes
The Ten Day training started on July 10, 2011. The programme was inaugurated by Prof. Surendra Prasad, Director, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. Prof. Surendra Prasad emphasized on the need for the students becoming capable of utilizing the resources provided by IIT Delhi. Prof. Santanu Chaudhury was the coordinator of the programme. 109 students attended the programme . The ten days course covered modules in (a) Communication Skills (b) Self Enhancement for Professional Excellence and (c) Theatre. The modules were completed through 160 sessions of two hours each, with each group having 40 sessions of two hours each.
In connection with the observation of International Peace Day, CREST organized a special lecture series focusing on ‘Globalization and Peace’on 3oth September 2011. The increasing implications of globalization have set forth discussions which connects Peace and Globalization. The reciprocal connections between peace and globalization have been established through global experiences in the recent history. Analysis of globalization with reference to peace and conflict would lead to contemplations suggesting a mutually promoting connection. This must be read together with the fact that the diachronic development of globalization has always demanded peace and pacified environments. The multidimensional influences of globalization on the peace instruments, a conflict control system etc has been remarkable. Taking into consideration these evident interlinks between peace and globalization, the theme for the Lecture Series conducted by CREST in connection with International Peace Day was decided to be ‘Globalization and Peace’. Dr G Venkat Raman is Assistant Professor in IIMK in the area of Humanities & Liberal Arts in Management and Ms. Maria Magdalena Waldvogel were the speakers of the day.
A one day workshop on Planning of a Sustainable & Inclusive Society was conducted for the students of CREST on March 31, 2011 at Hotel Alakapuri Auditorium by Lalit Kishor Bhati , an Architect-Urban Planner based in Auroville, Pondicherry. The workshop covered sessions on Ecological Planning and Development, Green Architecture Alternative building material experimentations, Community Participation and Development, Water & Resource Management in Architecture and Planning & Energy in Sustainable development. The workshop was inaugurated by Prof.D.D.Nampoothiri, Executive Director CREST.