PGCCPD course has been designed to provide soft skills to enable candidates to compete for jobs in open market and for higher studies in institutions of national repute. CREST, formerly the Centre of Excellence – Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode has conducted fifteen PGCCPD programmes since 2002 and a large number of the alumni are now employed in reputed firms in India and abroad. Many of the alumni are pursuing higher studies in universities in India and abroad The five months certificate course comprises of training in Employability Enhancement, Personality Development, Communication Skills, IT, Quantitative & Analytical Skills General Awareness and Entrepreneurship Development. Out of the forty seats available for the course, 28 are reserved for SC, 8 for ST and 4 for OEC/OBC.
Admission is based on Degree level marks and interview. Masters/ Professional Degree holders will be given preference. Those who have secured CGPA grades at Degree/PG Degree, should give the actual percentage of marks obtained with sufficient proof thereof. If eligible candidates from ST/OEC/OBC classes are not available, the seats will be filled up by eligible SC candidates. Selected candidates will be given a monthly stipend of Rs.5,000/- The classes for the XVII Batch of the Post Graduate Certificate Course for Professional Development commenced on November 17 , 2011. Of the 40 candidates who joined the course, 16 are professional degree holders, 21 are Post Graduate Degree holders and 3 are graduates. 25 candidates are girls.
In order to improve the performance level of SC/ST students undergoing BTech Degree Courses in Kerala, CREST conducts one month intensive in-house orientation programme for the candidates who obtain admission for BTech Degree courses.. Throughout the BTech degree course the candidates are given mentoring support from the Centre to improve their performance level. CREST conducts a similar programme for candidates from Scheduled communities who have obtained admission for undergraduate Programmes at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT-D) and National Institute of Technology – Karnataka (NITK).
The Centre conducts regular workshops, national seminar and special lectures covering a broad range of issues. The themes included higher studies abroad, cultural studies in India, Social Exclusion etc. The Centre conducts an annual lecture in memory of Dr. K.R. Narayanan, former President of India. Every year a reputed scholar from India or abroad is invited to speak on issues confronted by the marginalized communities of the country. It also organizes regular joint lectures organized by the Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode and the CREST which is being conducted to bring to the wider society the latest trends in research on issues concerning Indian and Global social realities.
CREST undertakes researches that are of relevance to the Scheduled communities of Kerala and disseminates the knowledge thus gained to civil society through seminars, workshops, publications, and through electronic and other media.
CREST has set up a placement cell for candidates who successfully complete the Post Graduate Certificate Course for Professional Development. The Cell advises and supports the candidates for higher studies and employment opportunities. In addition, it conducts regular workshops on job opportunities and higher education with the support of the British Council, and the United States-India Educational Foundation (USIEF).
Our Management Development Programmes attempt to help those involved with the development of Scheduled communities in Kerala by sensitizing the participants on the problems relating to the Scheduled communities, conscientizing and empowering them by imparting necessary skills.
CREST is an Associate Partner of Swedish South Asian Studies Network, (SASNET) in their Erasmus Mundus Cooperation Window programme. The Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi has established the Kerala Chapter of its Southern Regional Centre in CREST.